Aleksandr Lukashenko asked the minister about progress to fulfill his tasks related to road construction and repair, as well as the development of transport infrastructure between the capital city and satellite towns.“People are waiting for us to act. We should tell them honestly what we will do and where. They must understand that we will not be able to complete everything within one year or even five years (no matter how hard we try), but we will still accomplish a lot. This should be included in the program [the government program ‘Roads of Belarus’ for the new five-year period],” the president instructed.According to Aleksei Lyakhnovich, more than 3,000 km of roads and 107 bridges were repaired in 2023, while as many as over 5,000 km of roads and 117 bridges were renovated in 2024. “This includes reconstruction, major repairs, routine repairs,” he informed.
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