Physical culture

The region’s sports and recuperation system includes 14 football fields, 4 shooting ranges, 26 gyms, 68 sports grounds, 18 sports facilities. The education department covers the main sports base: 19 gyms, 22 sports facilities, 20 training grounds, 86 sports grounds, 28 playgrounds.

The company Dobrush Factory “Labour Hero” has its own sports facility which is open to the residents of the town.

Some 3,634 children /or 53 per cent of the total number of schoolchildren in the region/ are enrolled in a children-youth sports club and two children-youth sports schools.

The region holds annual spartakiads, a republican Greco-Roman wrestling tournament for the prizes of the Dobrush regional executive committee.

Five natives of the region make part of the national team of the Republic of Belarus: T. Zhevnova, G. Kakhova, N. Vasiltsov /track and field athletics/, R. Novikov, /weightlifting/, U. Zhevnov /football/. In 2004-2005 Kakhova and Novikov won European and World Championships.

The physical education personnel in the region numbers 79 employees, of them 36 are teachers of physical education, 14 - nursery teachers of physical education, 13 – coaches and 2 – instructors.